Tomasz Bysiewicz2017-03-20T16:05:56+01:00marzec 20, 2017|Tags: Amusing Companions, Gypsy and the Acid Queen, Heart Attack, KRK on tour, KSMnews, Terrordome, the perfumes|
Michał Smoll2015-06-01T10:56:16+01:00czerwiec 1, 2015|Tags: Heart Attack, neony, recenzja|
Tomasz Bysiewicz2015-05-08T14:48:39+01:00kwiecień 9, 2015|Tags: clock machine, Heart Attack, meeow, noname, rusty cage, Straight Jack Cat, the fuse, too black project, wicked heads|
Michał Smoll2015-04-03T18:28:53+01:00kwiecień 3, 2015|Tags: Chaos Engine Research, hasselhof, Heart Attack, premiera|
Tomasz Bysiewicz2015-03-25T20:58:43+01:00marzec 25, 2015|Tags: Chaos Engine Research, hasselhoff, Heart Attack, ksm za kulisami, Sliver|
Tomasz Bysiewicz2014-02-13T18:02:53+01:00luty 13, 2014|Tags: doladowanie, Dust Bowl, Heart Attack, iron maiden, koncert, nonamen, patronat, paul di'Anno, People of the Haze, scream maker|